BRICS Science Popularizers Forum is going to be held by Russia on 6-8 of October 2021

In recent years science popularization has become an essential part of the global scientific agenda. All BRICS countries acknowledge the importance of science popularization and pay great attention to its development. Moreover, recent study shows constant growth of the number of institutions, which are directly involved in science popularization both at state and regional levels. Each BRICS country embraces its own approach towards the popularization of science, technology and innovation with the population, and all of them are indeed of high value.

The goal of the BRICS Science Popularizers Forum is to provide a platform for the exchange of relevant experience and best practices among BRICS science popularizers. Thus, it is aimed at giving the impetus to the further development of science popularization activities in BRICS counties.

The programme of the Forum will include:

  • presentations on state policies on science popularization issue;
  • discussion of the existing national mechanisms and approaches applied by science popularizers in each of the countries;
  • exchange of practices in legal regulations of science popularization, funding mechanisms, opportunities for international cooperation, etc;
  • science popularization formats: joint expeditions, science slam and science stand-up, science bus tours and mobile research laboratories, various workshops, on-line programs and etc.

The BRICS Science Popularizers Forum is open for all types of organizations ranging from public institutions to private businesses involved in popularization of science.

Due to the global COVID-19 pandemic the format of the event will be a mix of online and offline.

